Saturday, May 15, 2010

Norwegian Cream Cones

Also referred to as Norwegian "Krumkake"
It is birthday season! Happy birthday to all of my friends & family celebrating birthdays this week! I am going to a birthday party later today & decided to make something unique!
1/2 c. sugar
4 Tb butter, softened
1 large egg, room temperature
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. flour
cream butter & sugar together. add egg & vanilla & whip until
light & creamy. Beat in the milk and flour until smooth.
Let stand 30 minutes.

1 c. whipping cream
6 Tb. powdered sugar
zest of 1 orange
whip cream until foamy, then add sugar & zest & continue whipping until stiff.

Although I have changed the recipe a bit, the original recipe for these cones is from this lovely book my Mom sent to me from Duluth, MN. Petite Sweets by Beatrice Ojakangas

Once the batter has rested for 30 minutes, spray iron with cooking spray & spoon 1 tsp. of batter onto hot krumkake iron. Let cook about 30 seconds or until golden.
Work quickly to set cone roller on top of cone and roll into the cone shape.
Let it rest while wrapped around the cone roller until set.
Once the cones have cooled, fill with whip cream. I put a few chocolate chips in the bottom of my cones to stop whip cream from dripping out the bottom. And added a few sprinkles on top to give the Norwegian cream cones a birthday look!
Yum! Happy Birthday!

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